The original Academy Award winning CASCADE 21 is one of the world’s longest sectional camera cranes. It became an industry standard and has been successfully used for thousands of film and TV productions worldwide. This versatile camera crane with a remote head allows camera to fly great distances high in the air. It is perfect for bird’s eye view shots, extreme long sweeping shots, high and low angle shots and shots with foreground objects parallaxing in the frame. Cascade increases production value to a scene, making it look grand, impressive and magnitude. It can be easily transported, delivered, assembled and operated in hard to reach places.

– Lightweight portable elements
– Stable, reliable and safe operation
– User-friendly and robust design
– Extremely productive and effective
– Wheeled or stationary base
– Used with a stabilized head and hydraulic rotary damper for smooth and stable shots


Configurations: 9m, 11m, 13m, 15m, 17m, 19m, 21m
Pan: 360°
Tilt: ±45°
Base: 2 x 2m
Weight (21m): 1600kg
Payload: up to 70kg

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